
and make a difference.

Unlock the stories simmering inside you.
Build your confidence and your skills.
Leave a lasting legacy.

I help dreamers, leaders, visionaries like you reignite their creativity, revive their energy, and make meaningful books that sell.

Hi, I’m Samantha Bagood.

I use my decade of book publishing industry experience plus years of freelancing to help you get unstuck so that you can impact someone’s life with the stories you experienced and the stories you imagined.

As a former literary agent, I’ve worked with award-winning and New York Times Bestselling authors and negotiated 5- and 6-figure book deals with major publishers like Penguin Random House and Macmillan.

Today, my coaching services provide you with the confidence that, yes, you do have stories worth telling now. Your creativity has real, tangible value now. You can build your skills, finish your books, and make time for your success now.

Get in touch and go from feeling frustrated to finding relief because you’ll finally have both a sounding board and a strategic partner so in tune with your creative vision that the writing journey looks bright.

Now is never too late.

Writing is a journey, and sometimes it feels like you're moving in circles.

I get it. I've been there. STUCK in a cycle of researching and rewriting then exercises and prompts, of starting over or starting anew, of walking "for inspiration" but feeling like you're still running from a blinking cursor.

Everyone's solution: Follow this roadmap or blueprint or easy 99-step plan.

The truth: You can't follow a map without a compass.

That's why I developed the Hero Writer's Compass, a sustainable and accessible framework that identifies what you need to do so you know where to go.

Listen. I've worked with self-published writers, award-winning authors found in the slushpile, bestsellers introduced through referrals.

There is no perfect path to publication and no right way to write.

Your journey is yours to create.

You have stories worth telling.

It’s time to start sharing them.

Let’s work together.

  • 1-on-1 Coaching

    Private support to help you turn abstract ideas into actionable projects, develop writing routines, overcome creative obstacles, and finish your book or book proposal... I'm here to guide you through your writing and publishing journey.

  • Ghostwriting

    As your ghostwriter, I will collaborate with you to fully understand your voice and flesh out your ideas. I will then write your book or proposal on your behalf...all the while you can focus on your business, your life, and other creative projects.

  • Laser Assessment + Strategy

    Get personalized feedback on up to 50 pages, answers to burning questions, and guidance from a former literary agent. Together, we’ll discuss your project's potential, identify underlying issues, and plan your next steps in a 90-minute Zoom call.

    (This offer will soon be phased out for a new one.)

  • Idea Validation + Brainstorm

    Get clarity on your book ideas in a 60-minute Zoom call. Untangle, organize, and verbalize your vision. Discover the potential for your book and develop aligned action items. Receive a recording to let your creativity flow. Perfect for aspiring and new writers.

    (This offer will soon be phased out for a new one.)

What clients are saying

“Working with Sam is like therapy for creatives.

I had been working on my nonfiction anthology, KISS PAPERCUTS GOODBYE for five years when I decided to reach out to her. I was stuck in a cycle of collecting stories—researching one piece, writing another, editing a contributing writer's story, jumping to the design and art (which is what I was most familiar with due to my day job as a graphic designer) and back again. Sam helped me visualize what I needed to do and accelerate the process so I can finally find momentum and see the finish line. Thanks to her built-in network, I also connected with two colleagues who helped me continue on with my journey and actioned the strategy we talked about.

Months after working with her, I still imagine her, like an angel on my shoulder, reminding me how to get unstuck. Without Sam, I would not have had the clarity and direction I do now.

~ Kelly Lan, Founder of Hello Prosper

“Sam empowered me to really understand my process and creativity better.

She pushed me to get my brain thinking constantly so that this wasn't just a hobby I would dabble in a couple of hours a week. It was a daily investment in myself and the career I wanted as a picture book author and illustrator. After less than six months of working with Sam and through intense work and focused direction, I’m happy to say I signed with a fantastic agent! I went in looking for a coach and came out with a friend and mentor.

~ Regina Linke, creator of Oxherd Boy

“She helped me see what was valuable in all the chaos.

When I started working with her, I was struggling with knowing not only the publishing industry and book writing but also streamlining my ideas. I could see the possibilities my book idea could grow into...but what would be the most profitable? What had the best potential? I didn't know what I didn't know, and I needed an expert.

I found that expert in Sam. I felt like I had a stronger and clearer picture of the publishing industry and had found someone who really heard my goals and vision.

Working with Sam is like having another brain that thinks differently, which is so crucial when you're already overwhelmed and unorganized. She helped me see what was valuable in all the chaos.

Her patience and ability to just get complex ideas that seem so tangled and then untangle them are so helpful to anyone stuck in a creative rut or who just don't think linearly. Sam is a winning combo of accountability partner and coach when you want and can put the hours in to get your book done.

~ LaSonia Tiebe, digital content creator and comedian.

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